Sunday, February 21, 2010

The New Jan Brady

     Having had a blog for a little over a year now, it's time to make a change. My intial thought was it would be a great way to let people know about new product additions. Only problem is, either there is alot of new stuff, or nothing at all. Everyone seems to introduce the new additions in the spring, leaving content a little lop-sided other times of the year,
     Other proplem is- Weathervane, Weathervane, Weathervane ... all we ever talk about is weathervanes (or cupolas, lanterns, door knockers, etc). There is alot more to me, and us as a company than just our products. We have families, we do things, go places, we eat out, we live in this beautiful place called Cape Cod. We even have opinions and whacky thoughts.
     It's time to let our hair down. Make this blog more interesting to read as well as more interesting for me to write. I plan on posting 2-3 times a week rather than the once or twice a month. I will be going off topic. Letting you know of great new places on the Cape. Taking more pictures and posting them for all to see. Its about fun. I want to have fun doing this (which i do) and I want my customers and friends to have fun and be entertained reading this. Welcome to the New CCW Blog...

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